AMETHYST 1.5 and the Mitel - Trunk side

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AMETHYST 1.5 and the Mitel - Trunk side

Postby Belinda Frick » Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:53 am


The is available to Datatex AMETHYST 1.5 clients on request


The AMTACDMitel needs to run on a Windows PC.
AMTACDMitel is a service. It will map the virtual to physical extension.
Please install as follows:

Install the AMTACDMitel.exe.

Windows XP:
Click on 'Start' and then 'run'.
Make sure of the location of the service, in this
example 'C:\Program Files\Datatex\Amethyst\'
Enter 'C:\Program Files\Datatex\Amethyst\AMTACDMitel.exe /install'.
Click on 'Start', 'Control Panel', 'Administrative Tools', 'Services'
and 'Start' the 'AMTACDMitel' service.

Configure AMTACDMitel.ini to connect to the Mitel PABX.

Under the '[AMETHYST]' section configure the
AMETHYST 1.5 server IP and port.
Under the '[MITEL]' section configure the Mitel PABX IP
and ACD port (Default is 15373).



Configure the physical extensions under 'Cardserver Extension
Configuration' in the 'License Manager'.

Do not enter any virtual extension number in the inclusive rules, only
use physical extensions (the phyiscal devices that you want to record)

For user name per extension:

SMDRLink (suggested option):

Login as Admin and go to "Extension Mapping". Enter the extension and the
user name as required.


Configure CTI devices:

Setup the virtual extensions as CTI devices in "Amethyst WebAdmin"
under "Configure CTI devices". Note that you will need a Windows
login and AMTClient.

When the agent moves to another PC, that agent must always use the same
Windows login.
AMTACDMitel will do the mapping between the physical and virtual (CTI)
extensions. Conversely to populate the virtual extensions in
"Configure virtual extensions" is only necessary if AMTACDMitel
is not available (and only for the USBClient recording solution).
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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