I installed TNG on a newer PC, but I now need my user config

Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi, Belinda Frick, Lee Hendricks

I installed TNG on a newer PC, but I now need my user config

Postby John Richard Procter » Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:59 am

I installed TNG on a newer PC, but I now need my user configuration from the old PC:

We can get the user details / extension configuration and calls from
the original TNG installation. These steps is to add the calls since
installation to the original TNG calls and have the original setup.

There are 2 scenarios:

  1. If you set TNG to permanent for logging of rawdata on installation,
    we can import the calls since installation from the rawdata.


    • Stop the TNG service on both PCs.
    • Make a backup of the 'new' TNG folder.
    • Copy the 'old' TNG folder over the to the 'old' TNG PC.
    • In the backup TNG folder look in the logs folder per day for the raw.txt
      file. Rename the file to rawxxxxxx.txt, where x is the date of the log folder
      and place it in the IMPORT folder of your 'new' TNG.
    • Start the TNG service.
    • Log in and register TNG for the new PC.
    • Once registered, select the settings icon. Now tick the import for 48 hours option.
      It will load the rawdata from the import folder useing the existing plugin. After
      48 hours is it will disable the import feature. The live rawdata import will not
      be interrupted by this setting.

  2. If you did not set TNG to log rawdata, you will need to use the EXPORT

Note: if you are using pin codes you will not have user association,
the EXPORT files does not contain the pin code (if rawdata was available we
could get it from there - see above option).


  • Stop the TNG service on both PCs.
  • Make a backup of the 'new' TNG folder.
  • Copy the 'old' TNG folder over the to the 'old' TNG PC.
  • In the backup TNG folder look in the EXPORT folder per day for the .txt
    file. Rename the file to xxxxxx.txt, where x is the date of the EXPORT folder
    (if not already a date as file name). Create an IMPORT folder in the EXPORT
    folder and place the export files to be loaded in the IMPORT folder of your 'new' TNG.
  • Start the TNG service.
  • Log in and register TNG for the new PC.
  • Once registered, select the settings icon. Take a screen shot of the
    Communication Configuration page. You will need the settings once the
    import is complete and you need to go 'live' again. See SSL:
    How do I re-import purged/exported data into TNG?

    Note: if you communication mode is NETWORK, you will loose calls
    while importing - unless you have a LAN Buffer. The TNG buffer(serial) does not
    buffer network calls.

    Change the 'Communication Mode' to 'FILE READER'. Select 'PTNGExport.dll'
    as the plugin and enter the file path as
    'C:\Program Files\Datatex\tng\export\import\*.txt'.

    • Once the calls has been imported, change the settings back. If not
      the calls will be buffer until the buffer is full and thereafter you
      will loose calls.
John Richard Procter
Posts: 552
Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 2:02 pm

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