What is new in Amethyst

All documents from the original Software Support Library (SSL)

Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi, Belinda Frick, Lee Hendricks

What is new in Amethyst

Postby Belinda Frick » Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:42 am

AMETHYST 1.2 no longer supported, please
contact your dealer for upgrade options!

New features

The upgrade program NEEDS to be run before any other new program is
started up. There are 3 new fields that are added to the database:
* line number
* supervisor short notes
* call direction

On Amethyst server, the configure supervisors button now has
a dropdown box with 3 access levels. A supervisor can now have
an access level set to restrict access to parts of the Amethyst
Upgrading from a previous version to version will set all
your supervisors to have admin access.
A supervisor can have one of 3 access levels.
* Admin : access to all features.
* Supervisor : access to all features except to change the properties
of agents
* Basic : access to the recordings and printing AQM reports.
The 'ping not responding' email has been removed from the server.

The 3 extra fields that the upgrade program added to the database are on
the search screen and searches can be made on all the fields.
On the recording details screen, there is now a short note field below the
supervisor notes.

When answering a review for a recording there is a new answer option.
NOT APPLICABLE will disregard the question and will not affect the result
of the review. When you are answering the review for the first time the
NOT APPLICABLE questions will not disappear so that they can be changed
back to a different answer. The NOT APPLICABLE questions will not print
on the review report.
NB: Once the review has been saved and the details screen closed
and reopen, "N/A" questions will no longer be visible. They do not get saved
to the database.

The server is using a new license manager that displays the expiry date
on the license form.

The bug that caused the supervisor to crash when trying to print a review
while no review has been selected, is fixed.

The sweeper has a new field in its ini file:ExportFilePath
It will export all successfully loaded ZLB file's data to a csv file.
The export will only take place if the ExportFilePath field contains
a path.

The sweeper calculates a checksum on the recording and writes this
to the database.

The new Topaz sends down the line number and calls direction to the
amethyst clients.

The AMTPCClient and SLVR receives the new fields from Topaz and saves
it with the recording to the sweeper to be processed and to be used for
searching. The recording clients autodetect the server. When you startup
the client it will display the server name in its title bar. The clients
also have a different method for reference numbers, it will decrease the
number of duplicates. The reference number is a bit longer.

AMTCGI can now handle archived records. If a record has been archived
the media player will disappear and a message will tell you that the
record was archived.

For the new Amethyst you need the following programs.

AMTUPGD.exe . . . . . . V1.2.0.2
AMT.exe . . . . . . . . V1.3.5.2
AMTSuper.exe . . . . . V1.3.4.9
AgentQualityReports.exe V1.1.1.1
AMTSweeper.exe . . . . V1.3.1.1
Topaz . . . . . . . . . V1.6.5.5
SLVR . . . . . . . . . V3.3.7.0
AMTPCClient.exe . . . . V1.0.2.7
AMTCGI.exe . . . . . . V1.1.0.4
AMTTermSrv . . . . . . V1.0.2.2

Updating programs

All these new programs are located in the Updates folder on the new
Topaz CD or on the internet under downloads.

First update the server. Close AMT.exe and the AmtSweeper.exe.
The files are all self-extracting files and will extract to the
correct location.
First run the AMTUPGRD.exe program to upgrade the database.
The server's update will include the new movedata, AmtArchive and AmtBackup.

If you are using the Citrix setup, the AMTTermSrv can be updated now.
It will also be extracted to the correct directory.

Next you upgrade the supervisors. Close all the supervisors and run
the Supervisor update on the computer. The new supervisor and new
AgentQualityReports.exe will be extracted to the correct folder.

Next the recording clients must be upgraded. Close the SLVR or PCClient
and run the update. Start the clients again.

Close Topaz and extract the new version on the server and start it up again.

Now that the clients are running, the server and sweeper should be started.
Also start the supervisor and test the new features.

The only program left is the AMTCGI.exe, it only needs to be updated if you
are using it. The file will extract to the C:\Program files\Datatex\Amethyst\Web\.
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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