What is new in AQM reports V

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What is new in AQM reports V

Postby Belinda Frick » Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:48 am

All 3 of the new reports are graphical bar reports.

Agent Average Performance VS Group Average Performance

This report compares the Average Performance of the Agent against the Average
Performance of all the other agents that comply to the same report
settings as the Agent.

Creating the report:
- On this report you first select the agent
- and the template that was used to evaluate the agent.
- Then you can select the time period for the report.

The report wil display two bar charts.
- The first displays the agent average VS the average of all the agents
per month.
- The bottom chart displays the agent average VS the average of all
the agents per category of the template selected.

Agent monthly performance VS Average Performance

This report compares the Average Monthly Performance of the Agent against
the Average Monthly Performance of all the other agents that comply to
the same report settings as the Agent.

Creating the report:
- First you select the template that was used to evaluate these agents.
- Select the agents that have to be used for the report. 5 is the maximum
number of agents that can be displayed on one report.
- Select the dates for this report, the maximum number of months that can be
displayed at one time is 6.

Individual agent performance within categories VS Average

This report compares the Individual Performance of the Agent within
categories against the Average Performance of all the other agents
that comply to the same report settings as the Agent.

Creating the report:
The selection is the same as with the previous report, but there is no
restriction on the number of months.
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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