I cannot log into AMETHYST Webadmin or Supervisor

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I cannot log into AMETHYST Webadmin or Supervisor

Postby Belinda Frick » Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:44 am

  • Make sure you use the correct URL to connect, see forum post:

    How do I log into AMETHYST webadmin and supervisor?

  • Make sure you have access to connect to AMETHYST, see forum post

    How to access the Amethyst 1.6 Supervisor?

  • If still unsuccessfull, ping the AMETHYST server from the PC you are trying to connect - see forum post:

    How to ping a IP address,hostname

  • If you cannot ping it, either you do not have network access from that PC to the AMETHYST server or their can be a problem with the AMETHYST server.

    You can use the 'tracert' in stead of ping to see at which point the ping fails.

  • If this is not the problem, go to the AMETHYST server and check if it is switched on.

    • If switched on, connect a screen and keyboard to see if any error message on the screen or where it got stuck.

      If you have a black screen, press ALT+F3. It should give you a login prompt. If you only get a prompt and you have a USB archive drive connected it can be that the system rebooted from the USB archive drive. Disconnect the USB drive and restart the server. Re-connect the USB drive once the AMETHYST server has booted up. NOTE: Please contact Datatex support to investigate why it booted from the USB drive.

    • If the server is not running, connect a screen and keyboard and power it up.

      If it does not want to power up, disconnect all the power cables. Press the power button to flush it. Connect the power cables and power it up again.

  • If the server still does not come up, you will need to log a call out with Datatex to investigate.
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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