Updated programs needed
AMTPRIServer V1.0.1.11
AMTTermSrv.exe V1.0.2.6
AMTClient.exe V1.0.1.0
AMTPRITapi.exe V1.0.1.0
Settings to change in PRIServer
There are 3 new ini settings in the PRIServer ini file.
If these settings do not exist, install the new version,
open and close it. The new settings will be there now.
Settings to change in TERMServer
If this setting does not exist, the same procedure can
be followed as with the PRIServer.
Setting up client software
Agents can be set up by adding this line in the USERS section.
Change the extension number, Username and IP address for each agent.
This line is the extension = extension, IP of termServer and the
client computer information.
AMTClient setup
Create a shared folder with read and write permissions on the
Amethyst PC. Copy AMTClient and its ini file into this folder.
On the agents that are being recorded, put a shortcut
to the AMTClient program in the startup of that PC. If the Agent
is working in a terminal session, put the shortcut of AMTClient
into the startup of the terminal session. If terminal sessions
are being used, the termserver configuration will be different.
The hostname must be the hostname of the terminal server that
the clients are connecting to and the username is the name that
they are using to log-in.
Setting up the AMTPRITapi
This program should run on the PC that is connected to the PABX
to receive TAPI messages. Configure the IP or host name of the
Termserver and the port number on the PRITapi program. There
is a Padd option on this program for when TOPAZ gives the line
numbers with padded 0's infront, eg. 001,002, and TAPI does not.
Use the Padd option to match the two.