PABX3 setup for the Mitel PABX unit

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PABX3 setup for the Mitel PABX unit

Postby Belinda Frick » Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:40 pm

PABX3 request the PBX unit to send data:

PABX3 will open a TCP connection to the PBX to receive data.

This is when PABX3 connects to the PBX via a TCP connection and the
PBX sends data via that connection to PABX3.

Settings under PABX3:


tick 'Enable Network'

In the 'TOPAZ Networking' section:
enter the 'listen port' (Default: 25001)
enter the TOPAZ IP and port (Default: and 25000)

In the 'Remote PABX' section:
tick 'Enable TCP connect'

(This following information should be available from the PBX suppliers)
enter the 'PABX IP ' address
enter the 'port' number that the PBX is listening on (default 1752 for SMDR).
(In some cases a single command or password has to be given on the initial
connection. If so do the following as well)
enter the 'PABX password' or command in the password box.

If you are using a buffer and the buffer needs a command to start
sending off data, enter this command in the password box.


Since we are not using a serial cable, the data will not be displayed
in VT100. We will only see the call data under the "Call Data" section
in PABX3 once PABX3 is receiving the call data and the selected plugin
is able to translate the data. However, if PABX3 is using the incorrect
plugin it should still write out the rawdata file (if settings is correct).

ALSO SEE: How can I see if a connection has been made?
Only 3 session is allowed. Check if not more than one PABX3 is running
or you do not have more than one termlite or hyper terminal session open.

You can use a telnet session to check if the PABX is giving off call data.

The rawdata file will be created in "C:\Program Files\Datatex\PABX3\Rawdata", if:
the correct end of line character is set in PABX3 under
and "create rawdata" is ticked in [TOOLS -> Create rawdata].

If the rawdata is present, then your plugin is not translating the
rawdata. You can e-mail the rawdata file to, so
we can check if you are using the correct plugin and plugin version.

Please supply:
dll name, [OPTIONS -> FILEPATH -> PABX DLL],
and version number (double-click on the PABX3 title-bar, the version will
be displayed at the bottom in the centre of the screen,
example "PLUGIN:2005.10.11.1".

If no rawdata file is present, it is most likely that:

Connection between the PC and the PABX:
you require a password or command to receive call data from the PABX.
The IP address of the PABX is incorrect.
There are no connection/communiation between the PC and the PABX.Communication:
The following settings can vary from one PABX to another:
Baud Rate
Stop Bits
Get the PABX technician and IT department to assist with the
connection and communication settings.
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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