This should work for version and onwards.
If the smdrlink is running, stop it first.
Navigate to Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services
Select the amtsmdrlink
Click on stop
LINUX (up to version SMDRLink webadmin)
A technician shouldn't have access to the linux box. He/She
needs to speak to an appropriate Datatex employee and give a
reason why he/she needs access.
In the command line console, type in "killall -9 amtsmdrlink"
without quotes, and press Enter.
Smdrlink Settings
In the ini file there are two settings under the [SMDRLINK] section.
UdpToPabx3, set to '1' for true (enabled), else '0'.
Set the pabx3ServerIP to the IP/Hostname of the machine the
pabx3 is running on.
Set the pabx3Port to the port pabx3 will be listening on
(by default this is 25001)
Pabx3 Settings
Under the network tab in pabx3 options, select the checkbox labeled
"Network Enabled".
To ensure that the pabx3 doesn't try to connect to the comport, select
the "Enable TCP Connect" checkbox as well.
Restart the smrlink
Navigate to Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services
Select the amtsmdrlink
Click on start
LINUX (before SMDRLink webadmin)
Navigate to the smdrlink directory. Usually this will be "/opt/tng/bin/".
To do this type in "cd /opt/tng/bin"
In the command line console, type in "./amtsmdrlink" without quotes, and
press Enter.