I have a buzz noise on the line when speaking on the phone

All documents from the original Software Support Library (SSL)

Moderators: Leon van Heerden, Luanda_Junzi, Belinda Frick, Lee Hendricks

I have a buzz noise on the line when speaking on the phone

Postby Belinda Frick » Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:57 am

Try the following:

Test 1:

    Make a test phone call.
    While on the call,
    pull out the 4-core flat phone cable (between the base of the
    phone and the USB recording box).
    After a while, connect it again.
    Continue the conversation
    End the call.
    When listning to the call, check if the noise went away,
    when you pulled out the cable and before you plug it in again.
    If so it is a problem on the PC, power dissipation. It can
    be a transformer or the power supply.
    Else it is a power problem between the PC and the PABX unit.
ALSO SEE: My recording has a buzz sound
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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