How do I setup Topaz Front Office for Insight?

Moderator: Luanda_Junzi

How do I setup Topaz Front Office for Insight?

Postby Belinda Frick » Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:03 am

TOPAZ export requirements:

Topaz Version
FrontOffice Interface
When you do a upgrade make sure the application you are updating is closed!

Front Office

Installing the FrontOffice Interface:
How do I install the TOPAZ Front Office Interface?
- Make sure you are using the correct com port in FrontOffice Interface.
- In FrontOffice -> Options -> General -> Communications Format , Select "STANDARD".
- In FrontOffice -> Options -> Communications -> Select the COM port that will be used to send the data
- In FrontOffice -> Options -> Network -> Tick "Enable" and listen on Port must be 25002

Setup in TOPAZ:


- Tick the Enable Topaz Network and Remote Front Office check boxes.
- Ensure that your port is 25002 for the Remote Front Office.
- Ensure that the correct hostnames /IP adderesses has been configured.

Decide on were your file must be created for INSIGHT and select the location.

Extensions configuration:

DATA -> Extensions
- Select the extensions that will be exported for billing.

ALSO SEE: How do I setup billings in TOPAZ?

How does the data get to INSIGHT?:

Option 1:

PABX3 receives the call through the Com port (1) from the PABX
and sends it to TOPAZ.
When TOPAZ receives a call made on one of the billing extensions,
it will send it to the Front Office interface.
The Front Office will then send the call data via the serial port (2) to
The remote INSIGHT Com port.
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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