No rawdata.txt file is created

Moderator: Luanda_Junzi

No rawdata.txt file is created

Postby Belinda Frick » Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:59 am

Ensure the "Create Rawdata" option is ticked in the
PABX3 Interface in the "Tools" menu.

1. The rawdata.txt entry will be created once an end of line
character was found. Therefore you can see data in VT100,
but have no entry in the rawdata.txt file.

It has been noted that the EOL character should
be set to 13, and not 10, for Ericsson PABXs.

- Check your BAUD RATE settings, default is 9600.
For the Aristel AV38 the baud rate is 2400.
Try the Siemens 300 at 7100.

2. If there are no data on the VT100 screen,
try the following:

- If MAN3000 was on the PC, uninstall it since it
is in start up and will receive the data instead of the

- Also See: How do I use Hyper Terminal?
Use Hyper Terminal to check if data is being received by
the com port.

- VT100 displays data received via the comport.
Check if the comport is working.

- Make sure of the pin configuration for your PABX Unit.

- If you use a buffer, first remove it, connect the PABX Unit
direct to the PC's comport. Once PABX3 is receiving data,
then connect the buffer again.

3. Check that the correct comport is selected in PABX3.
- OPTIONS -> Communications
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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