Teleboss 2000 buffer

Moderator: Luanda_Junzi

Teleboss 2000 buffer

Postby Belinda Frick » Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:01 pm

This buffer is no longer supported!
If the following does not work replace it.

The older Teleboss PABX's data was encoded. The buffer had an EEPROM to
translate this. If you change the PABX the buffer will not work or if you change
the buffer to a buffer without the EEPROM it will not work.

For the buffer to work the busy light must be on (port closed).
The default baudrate is 9600 unless the EEPROM has been reprogrammed.
If the busy light is off press reset once to switch it on.

To reset the buffer (when the busy light is on).
Go to PABX3 > TOOLS > VT100
Press the reset button (little black button under the lights) twice on the
Teleboss 2000 buffer. The first time you press reset is to switch it off and the
second time is to switch it on again. On the VT100 screen it will display text
that the buffer was reset.

Lights on the Teleboss buffer:

POWER (Buffer has power)
PABX (Data coming in from the PABX)
BUSY (Buffer receiving data)
TELEBOSS (Data being sent from the buffer to PC port (for example) for TOPAZ)
Belinda Frick
Posts: 3808
Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:25 pm

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